
Viewing 1 - 7 of 7 results

That is not dead which can eternal lie · 12:14am Sep 8th, 2015

And even death my wither and die.

Hello hello!

It's been a while, hasn't it?

Things have changed a bit. First I had no job, then I had a 40 hour a week job over summer, then I moved into campus and started working 11 hours a week and got classes out the ass but I'm still working on things!

I'm not dead!

Don't ever think that. I'm still working on things no matter what.

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So, I had a Thing Happen: Doctor Visits, Hospital, and a Diagnosis (Nothing Life Threatening) · 7:19pm Jul 29th, 2016

Alright, so about 4 years ago, I REALLY injured my knee. And like an idiot I just said "Fuck it" and tried to muscle through it. Since the beginning of last year, my knee was going nuts. It hurt like hell going up and down stairs, I couldn't run and I was always a little testy because I just hurt. It got a little better but then I got back to work after college and BAM. Pain gets like 100X worse. A few times I had it even collapse underneath me. Finally, decided enough was enough.

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Work Scheduling Messes Up Everything, Quick Update · 10:45pm Aug 22nd, 2016

I have been working the 1st shift at my job, but as of lately? I've been getting moved to the 2nd shift. 2-10. So yeah, writing was slow. I finally managed to finish the chapter, now I'm onto the next chapter of My Saving Grace. Thanks for the patience, I'll hopefully be working a bit faster on this next chapter than the last one.

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Teaser for Thursday's upload and a quick signal boost for a contest in which I'm participating. · 12:18am Jun 2nd, 2020

Contest Invitation

Hey, all. My part time proofreader Nitro Indigo runs a group that curates stories based around Swapped Role stories. That means stories similar to the famous Lunaverse created by RainbowDoubleDash, the contest's judge.

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Story Post: Nails in the Coffin · 4:48pm Mar 7th, 2018

Read the story first. If you're confused after, I'll explain.

Link to the story:


Massive Update! And I really, really need your opinion [VOTE BELOW IN COMMENTS] · 12:42am Aug 13th, 2016

Role Reversal can sometimes be the hardest to write for. It's because of Rarity's voice and mannerisms. I sometimes have to stop and go "That doesn't sound right" when it's coming out of Rarity's mouth and re-do entire parts of the story. Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Twilight, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie were easy because it's easy for me to get into their head. Rarity is another pickle altogether. I had trouble with Freudian Slip and I've had trouble with Role Reversal.

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A Realization of Some (An Examination of FiM Writers)[Role Reversal Finished) · 7:42pm Jun 15th, 2017

Alright, so bear with me.

Back when I started writing, I was just getting out of Highschool and just starting college. College was community college and I was taking it part time and had a part time job. I had a butt-load of time I could use to do anything and occupied a lot of my time with writing stories.

First was Love Triangles and Other Funny Shapes, then within I think like, a 3-4 month period, came Healing Dash, Candy Sutra, and Freudian Slip around there too.

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Viewing 1 - 7 of 7 results